Thursday, February 9, 2012

Class Project!

One of the enduring questions of math students, from generation to generation, is "why is this important?" It may  be easy to see why they might think that, but I think even as toddlers, math has an importance in our lives. And to show math's importance in our lives, I created a project to challenge my students to see how often they use math everyday (even in the most discrete ways). I want them to keep a log of the things they do, for at least three days, from waking up, preparing for school, going home and getting ready for bed, and doing it all over again. I think if they were really forced to concentrate on it, the revelation of how math is truly embedded in our lives would really shock them. And, as we go along further into the year, they may make new revelations.

Here is video to help get the ball rolling:

If you're not one of my students, but you also have trouble finding math's relevance in your life, I would encourage you to also do this project. Also, for those of you that do understand math's importance, I would love for you to post an example of how math is in your life.

Khan Academy

In my last post, I mentioned how learning oftentimes takes place outside of a physical classroom due to online classes and our new generation of "Google learners." Thinking on this, I remembered a site I visited last semester by recommendation, and I felt that it would be a great help to anyone looking to learn new things, or even just to brush- up on old ones.

Khan Academy is basically an online classroom with over 2,800 videos on various subjects (the tagline is "learn almost anything for free") "from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history". And the site provides practice questions to help you determine whether or not you understand the concept well- enough to move on to a new topic.

This is a video by Sal Khan, the site's founder, featuring Bill Gates: 

And if you're not completely sold, here is an example video, entitled "Understanding Square Roots":

To me, it's self- guided learning at it's best! Please, please, please visit for more information and to get a first- hand look at the lessons!

As always, Love, Peace, and Teach.

Technology in the Classroom?!?

Yes, technology in the classroom (even a math classroom) is a must for today's fast- paced society, in which technology is everywhere! It is true, today's generation of learners are much different from those of yesterday and yesteryear, and that's because all the information they encompass comes from gadgets small enough to either carry in their hands, or compact enough to travel with them everywhere they go! Gone are the days that having technology in the classroom meant computers and projectors; here are the days that we have tablets, Smart Boards, and web cams among other items. Sometimes there isn't even an actual classroom when learning may be taking place, not only because we now have online classes, but because today's learners can simply go to any search engine find the information they are looking for (dubbed "Google learners" for obvious reasons).

To me, the point of having technology in the classroom is to make the lesson as relative, informative, and interactive as possible; this does not occur when what is being taught is coming from a PowerPoint presentation in a semi-dimmed room with students feverishly taking notes until the bell. So it may seem a little unorthodox, but I say yes to cellphones in the classroom; they are communication devices as well as computers, and if Google searching a topic helps it make sense to you (as it does for me), then I'm all for it.

Here are a few links with even more information about the benefits of technology in the classroom:

"Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students"

"Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum?: The Reasons are Many"

And Remember, Love, Peace, and Teach!

Laptop with Webcam


Hello students, parents, and all others! I am Ms. Thwaites (obviously), an eighth grade math teacher, and I started this blog as a resource for my AWESOME students to help them be AWESOME in math. Also, this is a great way for you parents to follow along in our lessons, in case you were curious or wanted to assist in any way (I do encourage both). As you may have noticed, AWESOME is a huge theme on my blog, because I believe being "good" at something is not enough; we should always strive to be AWESOME.

That's all for my first post. I would definitely like to encourage everyone to ask any questions they may have, and I promise to do my very best to answer them in a timely and efficient manner.

Until next time, Love, Peace, and TEACH. :D

My life's philosophy.